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TR Plintanslutning

The switch cabinet module represents the connecting link between the programming tool and the measuring system. The programming tool is linked with the SUB-D socket of the switch cabinet module. The connection to the measuring system is realized by a terminal strip at the switch cabinet module. Therefore the measuring system can be programmed from the switch cabinet.

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Number of articles 5
Anslutning PT
Anslutning 1
Anslutning 2
PT modul 15/2490-00105PT modul 15/2PROG, I/OSub-D 15-pinPlint 16-pin
banner_lager.pngPT-modul 6490-00101PT-modul 6PROGPlint 6-pinn/a
PT-modul SSI/ISI, single490-00106PT-modul SSI/ISI, singlePROG, SSISub-D 15-pin2xSub-D 15-pin
PT-modul SSI/ISI, triple490-00104PT-modul SSI/ISI, triplePROG, SSISub-D 15-pin2xSub-D 15-pin, x3